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& the mighty bosscats 

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​​​​​Shows 2025


​02nd Feb -Tap Room Maldon - 4.00pm 

15th Feb - Olde Smacke Leigh on Sea - 8.30pm

16th Feb - Jam Session Hemlocks 185 High Street Maldon 6.30pm 

22nd Feb - Broadstairs Blues Bash

23rd Feb - Broadstairs Blues Bash

08th Mar - Cap & Feathers Tillingham 8.30 pm 

26th Mar - Little Green Dragon Enfield  7.30 - 9.30pm

06th Apr - Tap Room Maldon - 4.00pm

12th Jul - Barry’s Barn 

23rd Jul - Little Green Dragon Enfield 7.30 - 9.30pm

03rd Dec - Little Green Dragon Enfield 7.30 - 9.30pm


12th Feb Live Radio Session  8.00 pm DTF 

15th Mar The Mighty Bosscats Club with support Brackish Creatures

- tickets

19th Apr The Mighty Bosscats Club - double header with Leaving Trunk TBC  - tickets

24th May The Mighty Bosscats Club with support Bazooka  

- tickets

21st Jun The Mighty Bosscats Club and Ash Carr 


28th Jun Ashfest

08th Jul Den epping - 8.00 pm 

04th Oct Barleylands Blues club - 2.00pm

"It's hard not to view Townend as a sort of latter day Mark Knopfler. His lyricism and fretwork both share echoes of the former Dire Straits leader " 

- Elmore Magazine New York 

"This ability to conjure up vivid imagery is a constant throughout the 14 tracks that comprise ‘Ticket to Memphis’ and it’s a rare thing for an album to hold your attention from the opening lines of the first track to the closing lines of the last "

- Americana UK

"His music is original, thoughtful, sometimes eclectic, superbly arranged and always well played  - In sum, this is a delightful gem of an album in search of a patient listenership"

- Pete Feenstra Get Ready to Rock Radio 


Open mic run by Richard for FOR ALL artists to play their new tunes or covers  to an intimate and listening audience;  hear the new boss cat songs in their embryonic stage !! 

3rd Wednesday in the month - Madison Heights Park Drive Maldon - 7.00 Pm start 

The New Album 

Click on the image to add to the cart (£9.99 plus p&p) and also see 3 exclusive videos of tracks from the album

Click on the image to read the album lyrics 

photoshoot lyrics.jpg


"With ‘God Bless America’ it seems evident that they have moved ahead, running onto a new path of irresistible modern, top notch music, always with a blues edge at heart but aided by a keen eye towards the  Americana future. This is a true delight, an album to savour."  - Blues Magazine NL  

"With its strong hints at Americana-cum-blues and rocking drive, this is easily one of the best of British bands out there, and Gold Fever an album to enjoy.'- Elmore Magazine NY 

"The message is in the lyrics, get this, get goldfever. I feel this is Richards best collection to date, in his own imitable style and likely to be seen as an excellent opportunity to cross over from the secular blues world to more mainstream. The songs evoke imagery, often thought provoking, as only Richard can do"    - Blues In Britain  

"This is a simply lovely album from a UK outfit with a blues-cum-Americana outlook, feel and beauty.Townend is a mighty clever lyricist, a guy who can work a theme and run a rippling roll of fretwork and melody to match the thinking. The result is a genuinely individual and engaging musical take and outlook." -   Cashbox Canada

"Richard Townend is perhaps one of the most prolific songwriters in the British blues scene. Since 2011 he has released 10 albums as a soloist and with The Mighty Bosscats. The fact that he can, even at this pace, still write outstanding songs, was proven once again with Boiling Pot." -  Wasser Prada

"With its' high production values, standard of musicianship and impressive lack of filler material Boiling Pot has the makings of something rather special" - R2 Rock n Reel

"...........including the exceptional and exceptionally atmospheric ‘Hang An Innocent Man’, prove Townend is a great writer as well as musician" -  Blues Matters

Click on image to find out more about the 15 albums

Song Book

Tales of a Batley Boy is both a musical journey and a coffee table art book with words & music from GOLDEFEVER by Richard Townend and photography by Keith Blundy it's also available as an eBook  - It contains short stories and music for each of the tracks on the GOLDFEVER album -  Click on the picture for more information
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